(Construction of Approach Road to CFC of Haripur mytho dresses private limited (SPV))
Sealed tenders are invited from licensed registered civil engineers/ contractors at least B or C class (having minimum three years of experiences in Road construction) for construction approach to Common Facilities Centre At/po-Kabirpur, Via -Kuakhia, Jajpur, Odisha 755009 being facilitated by Siksha Trust, CFC: At/ Po- Kabirpur, Jajpur,755009, Odihsa Tender should be submitted along with earnest money of Rs.2740/- and can be deposited at the above address up to 5.00 PM of 10.04.2023.Tenders received will be opened before the working Committee of the proposed Common Facilities on 11.04.2023 at 11.00 AM.